March 10, 2015

Birthday Reflections

Tomorrow is my birthday and while I'm usually not big on birthdays, I am very excited about this one. Twenty-three isn't usually a big milestone for most. You're stuck between still being treated as a teenager while having adult responsibilities. I like to treat turning twenty-three as a year of reflection. Another year older, another year wiser.

Twenty-two has been so good to me. I started a challenge on self-discovery and focused more on doing what makes me happy. I made new friends, followed my heart, and did things that were out of the box. I think the tipping point in my journey to self-discovery was my big chop. I let all of the memories from the past that were holding me back go. I'm really thankful that I was able to move on from the past.

This Audrey Hepburn quote couldn't be any more relevant. Doing what makes you happy should be the number one priority in your life. I'm slowly following my dreams each day. I challenge you to do the same.

Here's to another great year.

1 comment :

  1. I'm so proud if you! Happy Birthday, friend!


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